The "Subjects" category in your Title Information is reviewed by Booksource's Collection Development team of experts who work directly with over 150 publishers to select the best titles on the market. All title details are manually verified by our experts and narrowed down to the most specific, correct, and official information. 

Titles that are Booksource Verified are handpicked by our Collection Development team. Our expert team creates all Booksource Collections based on a range of criteria, including reading level, interest level, subject, and content. You can even search your library by subjects just like you would with title or author information. If you have additional categories you would like to tag your books with, you can add them by utilizing the custom genre field.  

Want to know more about the Booksource Collection Development team? Meet the experts!

Support Video:

  • Booksource Subjects – This 3-minute video explains Booksource subjects, how they are used within Booksource Classroom including LibraryLens, and how the proprietary data is populated by Booksource title experts. Additionally, learn how custom data tags can be added by teachers using the custom genre field. 
    1. Link