Scanning ISBN barcodes is a quick and easy method of entering books into your library.  


Make sure you have set your preferences to reflect your desire to use a USB barcode scanner.  


Go to Enable/Disable Preferences > USB Barcode Scanningto turn this feature on by selecting the box next to ‘I have a USB Barcode Scanner Attached’.Make sure to Save your settings at the bottom right side of the screen. 


A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated 

Plug the scanner into the USB port on your desktop or laptop computer and login to access the Teacher Library. Click on Add Booksunder the Library tab on the far left.  


A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated 


To scan books into your library, click your curser into the “Type or scan ISBN” box and scan the ISBN barcode which is generally located on the back of the book.  If the ISBN is not on the back cover, doublecheck inside the front and back covers of the book. Sometimes, the ISBN is located on the title page.  


Note: If you are not clicked into the search bar your scan will not read.  




NOTE: Book club publishers such as Scholastic have their own unique assigned ISBN barcodes. These ISBN barcodes will not register in the Booksource Classroom system. These types of books may be entered into the library by simply clicking on the plus sign next to Add Title via ISBN.  When an ISBN barcode is scanned or manually added into the library, the title will be added to the top of the library and a Successfully Added” message will appear at the top of the page.   



Support Video: 


  • Add Books Page – This video covers in detail all the ways teachers are able to add books to their Booksource Classroom account. Add books manually by ISBN via typing, camera, or ISBN scanner. Other options include importing books easily from your Booksource invoice or from an Excel spreadsheet. Additionally, learn tips for adding books quickly to your library.  

  • Link