You can assign students a barcode to search for their student profile at checkout. Please note that the barcode must correlate with the student profile name. You are limited to 9 characters for a student profile name, so we suggest some sort of alphanumeric ID to be able to differentiate your students with similar names.  


Barcode generator:  


Example: Student Joshua Smith is in your class during 4th period and wants to check out a book from your classroom library. Here's an example of what their student profile and correlating barcode will look like if you use the barcode generator linked above: 





The above can be customized to an extent if you do not exceed the 9-character limit. 



Below are steps for students to utilize their barcodes for checkout: 


1)    Sign in 

2)    Select Student access 

3)    Select Checkout & Read 

4)    Select Group 

5)    Click into search bar 

6)    Scan student barcode 

7)    Select student profile 

8)    Select Checkout & Read 

9)    Select title for checkout